Due to the huge success since 2012, the Red Codex is bound to be continued. To not reveal too much about the Codex’ plans and secrets, only this much may be said:

The Codex is an option for those usually populating Mythodea as the Forsaken to join Beyond the Seals als NPCs. There will be some kind of IG-camp and inclusion into the setting of the convent and fair.
The number for this faction had to be limited to 50 people. Also, the Codex is a NPC faction, which means you will be asked to embody other characters for a few hours, as occasion arises, sometimes in smaller groups.

Last but not least: Please adhere to kit-guidelines for the Codex (For more info, see our forum). Basically it’s going to be red. There will be some clothes for borrowing, but only on a small scale, so bring your own!

Roter Kodex

Born of fire and tempered in blood,
Forged on the anvil of the elements
and grinded by the Merth’yars revenge,
We are now but one thing: a family.

How could Mildred ever have foreseen that his destiny would lead him to this place and on this path? It had barely been four years since he had lost his farm, his sons and all his cattle to a flood. From hunger and want, he joined Red Rutolperts band of cutthroats  the next winter, and helped to attack the trade routes of the great plane.
But this gang of robbers turned out to be among the first recruits of the Flame. That mysterious being who had preached so incisively and intoxicating about the virtues of Ignis and sparked a fire inside him. So he became one of the first preacher, spreading Ignis word in the name of the Red Codex. And soon it was him, who was in command of his former brothers-in-arms. And if they plundered today, it was in the name of Ignis and not because of mundane hunger.

But then came the purge. The day of purification, the one moment the Flame betrayed them. The day on which everyone had to decide whether to pray to a mortal man or Ignis herself. And Mildred knew what to do. The Red Codex was more than the revenge of one single man. So much more ...
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